Childhood is often painted as nothing but memories full of carefree days where we felt cared for and loved. The reality is that many people suffer traumatic events when they are children, and the effect stays with them well into adulthood. Whether the trauma took place just a few years ago or decades ago, it can impact a person’s mental health. Left untreated, trauma hampers a person’s ability to have high self-esteem and engage in healthy relationships with others. Are you unsure if some of what you experienced as a child qualifies as trauma?
Take the Childhood Trauma Test (ACES Test) and find out if you could benefit from structured mental health treatment. North Atlanta Behavioral Health provides care for those who have suffered trauma and any co-occurring mental health disorders. With our help, you can resolve your past and learn to embrace an exciting new future full of confidence.
Table of Contents

By NABH Staff
Medically Reviewed by
Erika Dalton, LMSW.
Last Updated on March 18, 2024
! function() { "use strict"; var e = { 6664: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), i = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(e, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }) } : function(e, t) { e.default = t }), a = this && this.__importStar || function(e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var t = {}; if (null != e) for (var n in e) "default" !== n &&, n) && r(t, e, n); return i(t, e), t }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var c = n(6654), u = a(n(1920)); function l(e) { void 0 === e && (e = !1), s({ forceReload: e }), (0, c.initializeLiveEmbeds)({ forceReload: e, onLiveEmbedLoad: function(t) { s({ container: t, forceReload: e }) } }) } function s(e) { (0, c.initializePopovers)(e), (0, c.initializePopups)(e), (0, c.initializeSidetabs)(e), (0, c.initializeSliders)(e), (0, c.initializeWidgets)(e) } var d = function() { return l(!1) }; e.exports = o(o({}, u), { load: d, reload: function() { return l(!0) } }), document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", d, !1), "interactive" !== document.readyState && "complete" !== document.readyState || d() }, 8027: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = t.POPUP_SIZE = t.SLIDER_WIDTH = t.SLIDER_POSITION = t.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE = t.SIDETAB_ATTRIBUTE = t.WIDGET_ATTRIBUTE = t.SLIDER_ATTRIBUTE = t.POPUP_ATTRIBUTE = t.POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE = void 0, t.POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-popover", t.POPUP_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-popup", t.SLIDER_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-slider", t.WIDGET_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-widget", t.SIDETAB_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-sidetab", t.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-live", t.SLIDER_POSITION = "right", t.SLIDER_WIDTH = 800, t.POPUP_SIZE = 100, t.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "" }, 7528: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createPopover = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = n(1320), c = function(e, t) { var n = e.parentNode; n && (n.removeChild(e), n.appendChild(t)) }, u = function(e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = "span"), void 0 === t && (t = "tf-v1-popover-button-icon"); var n = document.createElement(e); return n.className = "".concat(t, " tf-v1-close-icon"), n.innerHTML = "×", n.dataset.testid = t, n }, l = { buttonColor: "#3a7685" }; t.createPopover = function(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var n, s, d, f = o(o({}, l), t), p = f.domain, v = r(f, ["domain"]), m = (0, i.createIframe)("popover", { formId: e, domain: p, options: v }), b = m.iframe, h = m.embedId, y = m.refresh, g = m.focus, O = function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); return n.className = "tf-v1-popover", n.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover", (0, i.setElementSize)(n, { width: e, height: t }) }(v.width, v.height), _ = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-popover-wrapper", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover-wrapper", e }(), w = function(e, t) { var n = (0, i.getTextColor)(t), o = document.createElement("div"); o.className = "tf-v1-popover-button-icon"; var r = ''), a = null == e ? void 0 : e.startsWith("http"); return o.innerHTML = a ? 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I(): C() }; return j.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(M), T.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(I), && !(0, i.isOpen)(_) && (n = (0, i.handleCustomOpen)(C,, v.openValue)), { open: C, close: I, toggle: M, refresh: y, focus: g, unmount: function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(O), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() } } } }, 1797: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(7528), t), r(n(6100), t) }, 1320: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildNotificationDot = t.canBuildNotificationDot = t.saveNotificationDotHideUntilTime = void 0; var o = "tfNotificationData", r = function() { var e = localStorage.getItem(o); return e ? JSON.parse(e) : {} }, i = function(e) { e && localStorage.setItem(o, JSON.stringify(e)) }; t.saveNotificationDotHideUntilTime = function(e, t) { var o, a = new Date; a.setDate(a.getDate() + t), i(n(n({}, r()), ((o = {})[e] = { hideUntilTime: a.getTime() }, o))) }, t.canBuildNotificationDot = function(e) { var t = function(e) { var t; return (null === (t = r()[e]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.hideUntilTime) || 0 }(e); return (new Date).getTime() > t && (t && function(e) { var t = r(); delete t[e], i(t) }(e), !0) }, t.buildNotificationDot = function() { var e = document.createElement("span"); return e.className = "tf-v1-popover-unread-dot", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover-unread-dot", e } }, 6100: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 9630: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createPopup = void 0; var r = n(6797), i = n(8027), a = n(6797); t.createPopup = function(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = {}), !(0, r.hasDom)()) return { open: function() {}, close: function() {}, toggle: function() {}, refresh: function() {}, focus: function() {}, unmount: function() {} }; var n, c = t.width, u = t.height, l = t.size, s = void 0 === l ? i.POPUP_SIZE : l, d = t.onClose, f = t.domain, p = o(t, ["width", "height", "size", "onClose", "domain"]), v = (0, r.createIframe)("popup", { formId: e, domain: f, options: p }), m = v.iframe, b = v.embedId, h = v.refresh, y = v.focus, g =, O = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-popup", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popup", = "0", e }(), _ = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-spinner", e }(), w = function(e, t, n) { var o = document.createElement("div"); return o.className = "tf-v1-iframe-wrapper", = "0", (0, r.isDefined)(e) && (0, r.isDefined)(t) ? (0, r.setElementSize)(o, { width: e, height: t }) : ( = "calc(".concat(n, "% - 80px)"), = "calc(".concat(n, "% - 80px)"), o) }(c, u, s); w.append(m), O.append(_), O.append(w); var E = p.container || document.body; m.onload = function() { = "1", setTimeout((function() { = "none" }), 250), (0, r.addCustomKeyboardListener)(T) }; var P = function() { (0, a.isOpen)(O) || ((0, a.isInPage)(O) ? = "flex" : ( = "block", E.append(O)), = "scroll", setTimeout((function() { = "1" }))) }, T = function() { (0, a.isOpen)(O) && (null == d || d(), = "0", = g, setTimeout((function() { p.keepSession ? = "none" : j() }), 250)) }; w.append(function(e) { var t = document.createElement("button"); return t.className = "tf-v1-close tf-v1-close-icon", t.innerHTML = "×", t.ariaLabel = "Close", t.onclick = (0, r.invokeWithoutDefault)(e), t }(T)), (0, r.setAutoClose)(b, p.autoClose, T), && !(0, a.isOpen)(O) && (n = (0, r.handleCustomOpen)(P,, p.openValue)); var j = function() { (0, r.unmountElement)(O), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() }; return { open: P, close: T, toggle: function() { (0, a.isOpen)(O) ? T(): P() }, refresh: h, focus: y, unmount: j } } }, 5970: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(9630), t), r(n(7394), t) }, 7394: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 382: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createSidetab = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = { buttonColor: "#3a7685", buttonText: "Launch me" }, c = function(e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = "div"), void 0 === t && (t = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-icon"); var n = document.createElement(e); return n.className = "".concat(t, " tf-v1-close-icon"), n.innerHTML = "×", n.dataset.testid = t, n }, u = function(e, t) { var n = e.parentNode; n && (n.removeChild(e), n.appendChild(t)) }; t.createSidetab = function(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var n, l = o(o({}, a), t), s = l.domain, d = r(l, ["domain"]), f = (0, i.createIframe)("side-tab", { formId: e, domain: s, options: d }), p = f.iframe, v = f.embedId, m = f.refresh, b = f.focus, h = function(e, t, n, o) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.className = "tf-v1-sidetab", r.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-sidetab", (0, i.setElementSize)(r, { width: e, height: t }), void 0 !== n ? ( = "calc(".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(n), " + ").concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(t || 580), " / 2)"), = "auto") : void 0 !== o && ( = "auto", = "calc(".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(o), " - ").concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(t || 580), " / 2)")), r }(d.width, d.height,, d.bottom), y = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-wrapper", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-sidetab-wrapper", e }(), g = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "tf-v1-spinner"; var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-icon", t.dataset.testid = "spinner-icon", t.append(e), t }(), O = function(e) { var t = e.backgroundColor, n = e.textColor, o = e.width, r = e.height, a = e.align, c = void 0 === a ? "center" : a, u = e.buttonProps, l = void 0 === u ? {} : u, s = document.createElement("button"); return s.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button", = t, = n || (0, i.getTextColor)(t), (0, i.addAttributesToElement)(s, l), (0, i.setElementSize)(s, { width: o, height: r }), r && ( = "-".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(r))), "top" === c ? ( = "rotate(-90deg) translateX(-100%)", = "0") : "bottom" === c && ( = "rotate(-90deg) translateX(0)", = "auto", = "-".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(r || 48))), s }({ backgroundColor: d.buttonColor || a.buttonColor, textColor: d.buttonTextColor, width: d.buttonHeight, height: d.buttonWidth, align: d.buttonAlign, buttonProps: d.buttonProps }), _ = function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("span"); return n.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-text", n.innerHTML = e, t && ( = (0, i.getValueWithUnits)(t)), n }(d.buttonText || a.buttonText, d.buttonTextSize), w = function(e, t, n, o) { var r = n || (0, i.getTextColor)(t), a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-icon", o && ( = (0, i.getValueWithUnits)(o), = (0, i.getValueWithUnits)(o)); var c = ''), u = null == e ? void 0 : e.startsWith("http"); return a.innerHTML = u ? "") : null != e ? e : c, a.dataset.testid = "default-icon", a }(d.customIcon, d.buttonColor || a.buttonColor, d.buttonTextColor, d.buttonTextSize), E = c(), P = c("button", "tf-v1-sidetab-close"); (d.container || document.body).append(h), y.append(p), h.append(O), h.append(P), O.append(w), O.append(_), setTimeout((function() { h.classList.add("ready") }), 250), p.onload = function() { h.classList.add("open"), u(g, E), (0, i.addCustomKeyboardListener)(j) }; var T = function() { (0, i.isOpen)(y) || ((0, i.isInPage)(y) ? ( = "flex", h.classList.add("open"), u(w, E)) : (h.append(y), u(w, g))) }, j = function() { var e; (0, i.isOpen)(y) && (null === (e = d.onClose) || void 0 === e ||, h.classList.remove("open"), setTimeout((function() { d.keepSession ? = "none" : (0, i.unmountElement)(y), u(E, w) }), 250)) }; (0, i.setAutoClose)(v, d.autoClose, j); var S = function() { (0, i.isOpen)(y) ? j(): T() }; return O.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(S), P.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(j), && !(0, i.isOpen)(y) && (n = (0, i.handleCustomOpen)(T,, d.openValue)), { open: T, close: j, toggle: S, refresh: m, focus: b, unmount: function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(h), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() } } } }, 1434: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(382), t), r(n(7668), t) }, 7668: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 2603: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createSlider = void 0; var r = n(6797), i = n(8027); t.createSlider = function(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = {}), !(0, r.hasDom)()) return { open: function() {}, close: function() {}, toggle: function() {}, refresh: function() {}, focus: function() {}, unmount: function() {} }; var n, a = t.position, c = void 0 === a ? i.SLIDER_POSITION : a, u = t.width, l = void 0 === u ? i.SLIDER_WIDTH : u, s = t.onClose, d = t.domain, f = o(t, ["position", "width", "onClose", "domain"]), p = (0, r.createIframe)("slider", { formId: e, domain: d, options: f }), v = p.iframe, m = p.embedId, b = p.refresh, h = p.focus, y =, g = function(e) { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.className = "tf-v1-slider ".concat(e), t.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-slider", = "0", t }(c), O = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-spinner", e }(), _ = function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); return n.className = "tf-v1-iframe-wrapper",[e] = "-100%", (0, r.setElementSize)(n, { width: t }) }(c, l); _.append(v), g.append(O), g.append(_); var w = f.container || document.body; v.onload = function() {[c] = "0", setTimeout((function() { = "none" }), 500), (0, r.addCustomKeyboardListener)(P) }; var E = function() { (0, r.isOpen)(g) || ((0, r.isInPage)(g) ? ( = "flex", setTimeout((function() {[c] = "0" }))) : (w.append(g), = "block"), = "scroll", setTimeout((function() { = "1" }))) }, P = function() { (0, r.isOpen)(g) && (null == s || s(), = "0",[c] = "-100%", = y, setTimeout((function() { f.keepSession ? = "none" : T() }), 500)) }; (0, r.setAutoClose)(m, f.autoClose, P), _.append(function(e) { var t = document.createElement("button"); return t.className = "tf-v1-close tf-v1-close-icon", t.innerHTML = "×", t.ariaLabel = "Close", t.onclick = (0, r.invokeWithoutDefault)(e), t }(P)), && !(0, r.isOpen)(g) && (n = (0, r.handleCustomOpen)(E,, f.openValue)); var T = function() { (0, r.unmountElement)(g), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() }; return { open: E, close: P, toggle: function() { (0, r.isOpen)(g) ? P(): E() }, refresh: b, focus: h, unmount: T } } }, 4071: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(2603), t), r(n(3162), t) }, 3162: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 718: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }, r = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createWidget = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = n(8554), c = n(2313), u = n(1126); t.createWidget = function(e, t) { if (!(0, i.hasDom)()) return { refresh: function() {}, focus: function() {}, unmount: function() {} }; var n = t.domain, l = o(t, ["domain"]); l.inlineOnMobile = t.inlineOnMobile || t.fullScreen, l.inlineOnMobile || !l.forceTouch && !(0, i.isFullscreen)() || (l.displayAsFullScreenModal = !0, l.forceTouch = !0); var s = (0, i.createIframe)("widget", { formId: e, domain: n, options: l }), d = s.embedId, f = s.iframe, p = s.refresh, v = s.focus, m = (0, c.buildWidget)(f, l.width, l.height); if (l.fullScreen && (0, u.overrideFullScreenStyles)(t.container, f), l.autoResize) { var b = r("string" == typeof l.autoResize ? l.autoResize.split(",").map((function(e) { return parseInt(e) })) : [], 2), h = b[0], y = b[1]; window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormHeightChangedHandler)(d, (function(e) { var n = Math.max(e.height, h || 0); y && (n = Math.min(n, y)), = "".concat(n, "px") }))) } l.autoFocus && window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormReadyHandler)(d, (function() { setTimeout((function() { v() }), 1e3) }))); var g, O = function() { return t.container.append(m) }; if (t.container.innerHTML = "", t.lazy ? (0, i.lazyInitialize)(t.container, O) : O(), l.displayAsFullScreenModal) { var _ = "", w = t.container, E =; window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getWelcomeScreenHiddenHandler)(d, (function() { w.classList.add("tf-v1-widget-fullscreen"), void 0 !== t.opacity && ( = _) }))), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormThemeHandler)(d, (function(e) { var t; _ = (0, i.changeColorOpacity)(null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.theme) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.backgroundColor) }))); var P = ((g = document.createElement("button")).className = "tf-v1-widget-close tf-v1-close-icon", g.innerHTML = "×", g.ariaLabel = "Close", g); P.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)((function() { var e; if ( = E, null === (e = t.onClose) || void 0 === e ||, w.classList.remove("tf-v1-widget-fullscreen"), = "", t.keepSession) { var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "tf-v1-widget-iframe-overlay", n.onclick = function() { w.classList.add("tf-v1-widget-fullscreen"), (0, i.unmountElement)(n) }, m.append(n) } else t.container.innerHTML = "", O(), w.append(P) })), w.append(P) } return { refresh: p, focus: v, unmount: function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(m) } } } }, 1419: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildWidget = void 0; var o = n(6797); t.buildWidget = function(e, t, n) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.className = "tf-v1-widget", r.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-widget", r.append(e), (0, o.setElementSize)(r, { width: t, height: n }) } }, 2313: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(1419), t) }, 1126: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.overrideFullScreenStyles = void 0, t.overrideFullScreenStyles = function(e, t) { Object.assign(, { zIndex: "10001", position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%" }), = "0", Object.assign(, { overflow: "scroll" }) } }, 9321: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(718), t), r(n(4058), t) }, 4058: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 1920: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(1797), t), r(n(5970), t), r(n(4071), t), r(n(9321), t), r(n(1434), t) }, 5455: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildOptionsFromAttributes = void 0; var o = n(6797); t.buildOptionsFromAttributes = function(e) { return (0, o.loadOptionsFromAttributes)(e, { source: "string", domain: "string", medium: "string", mediumVersion: "string", open: "string", openValue: "integer", hideFooter: "boolean", hideHeaders: "boolean", opacity: "integer", disableTracking: "boolean", onReady: "function", onStarted: "function", onSubmit: "function", onQuestionChanged: "function", onHeightChanged: "function", autoResize: "stringOrBoolean", onClose: "function", onEndingButtonClick: "function", transitiveSearchParams: "arrayOrBoolean", hidden: "record", buttonColor: "string", buttonTextColor: "string", buttonTextSize: "integerOrString", buttonWidth: "integerOrString", buttonHeight: "integerOrString", buttonAlign: "string", top: "integerOrString", bottom: "integerOrString", customIcon: "string", width: "integerOrString", height: "integerOrString", size: "integer", buttonText: "string", position: "string", enableSandbox: "boolean", tooltip: "string", notificationDays: "integer", autoClose: "integerOrBoolean", shareGaInstance: "stringOrBoolean", forceTouch: "boolean", inlineOnMobile: "boolean", autoFocus: "boolean", tracking: "record", redirectTarget: "string", iframeProps: "record", buttonProps: "record", lazy: "boolean", keepSession: "boolean", hubspot: "boolean", disableScroll: "boolean", fullScreen: "boolean", noHeading: "boolean" }) } }, 6654: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(8806), t), r(n(8933), t), r(n(7833), t), r(n(5361), t), r(n(2103), t), r(n(1412), t) }, 1412: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeLiveEmbeds = void 0; var o = n(8027), r = n(201); t.initializeLiveEmbeds = function(e) { for (var t = e.forceReload, n = e.onLiveEmbedLoad, i = document.querySelectorAll("[".concat(o.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE, "]")), a = function(e) { var a = i.item(e); if (t || "true" !== a.dataset.tfLoaded) { var c = a.getAttribute(o.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE); if (!c) throw new Error("Invalid ".concat(o.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE, "=").concat(c, " for embed #").concat(e)); (0, r.fetchLiveEmbed)(c).then((function(e) { var t = e.html; a.innerHTML = t, a.dataset.tfLoaded = "true", n(a) })) } }, c = 0; c < i.length; c += 1) a(c) } }, 8806: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializePopovers = void 0; var o = n(1797), r = n(8027), i = n(7308); t.initializePopovers = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, a = void 0 !== n && n; (0, i.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "popover.css", container: t, forceReload: a, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { var r = (0, o.createPopover)(e, t).toggle; n.onclick = r } }) } }, 8933: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializePopups = void 0; var o = n(5970), r = n(8027), i = n(6797), a = n(7308); t.initializePopups = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, c = void 0 !== n && n; (0, a.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.POPUP_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "popup.css", container: t, forceReload: c, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { var r = (0, o.createPopup)(e, t).toggle; n.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(r) } }) } }, 2103: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeSidetabs = void 0; var o = n(1434), r = n(8027), i = n(7308); t.initializeSidetabs = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, a = void 0 !== n && n; (0, i.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.SIDETAB_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "sidetab.css", container: t, forceReload: a, factoryMethod: function(e, t) { (0, o.createSidetab)(e, t) } }) } }, 7833: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeSliders = void 0; var o = n(4071), r = n(8027), i = n(6797), a = n(7308); t.initializeSliders = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, c = void 0 !== n && n; (0, a.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.SLIDER_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "slider.css", container: t, forceReload: c, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { var r = (0, o.createSlider)(e, t).toggle; n.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(r) } }) } }, 5361: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeWidgets = void 0; var r = n(9321), i = n(8027), a = n(7308); t.initializeWidgets = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, c = void 0 !== n && n; (0, a.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: i.WIDGET_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "widget.css", container: t, forceReload: c, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { (0, r.createWidget)(e, o(o({}, t), { container: n })) } }) } }, 7308: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } } function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, r = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i; function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initialize = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = n(5455), c = n(1176); t.initialize = function(e) { var t = e.embedElementAttribute, n = e.cssFilename, u = e.forceReload, l = void 0 !== u && u, s = e.factoryMethod, d = e.container, f = void 0 === d ? document : d; return o(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e, o, u, d, p; return r(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: (e = f.querySelectorAll("[".concat(t, "]"))).length > 0 && (0, i.includeCss)(n), o = 0, r.label = 1; case 1: if (!(o < e.length)) return [3, 5]; if (u = e.item(o), !l && "true" === u.dataset.tfLoaded) return [3, 4]; if (!(d = u.getAttribute(t))) throw new Error("Invalid ".concat(t, "=").concat(d, " for embed #").concat(o)); return u.hasAttribute("data-tf-hubspot") ? [4, (0, i.waitForHubspotCookie)()] : [3, 3]; case 2: r.sent(), r.label = 3; case 3: p = (0, c.mergeOptions)((0, a.buildOptionsFromAttributes)(u), f === document ? {} : (0, a.buildOptionsFromAttributes)(f)), s(d, p, u), u.dataset.tfLoaded = "true", r.label = 4; case 4: return o += 1, [3, 1]; case 5: return [2] } })) })) } }, 1176: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }, o = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.mergeOptions = void 0, t.mergeOptions = function() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t]; return e.reduce((function(e, t) { return Object.entries(t).forEach((function(t) { var r = o(t, 2), i = r[0], a = r[1]; if (void 0 === a) return e; "object" == typeof e[i] && "object" == typeof a ? e[i] = n(n({}, e[i]), a) : e[i] = a })), e }), {}) } }, 201: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } } function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, o = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i; function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.fetchLiveEmbed = void 0, t.fetchLiveEmbed = function(e) { return n(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var t; return o(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return [4, fetch("".concat(e))]; case 1: if (!(t = n.sent()).ok) throw new Error("Cannot fetch embed ".concat(e)); return [4, t.json()]; case 2: return [2, n.sent()] } })) })) } }, 5084: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.addAttributesToElement = void 0; var o = n(7377); t.addAttributesToElement = function(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}), Object.keys(t).forEach((function(n) { e.setAttribute((0, o.camelCaseToKebabCase)(n), t[n]) })) } }, 3626: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildIframeSrc = void 0; var i = n(8027), a = n(4527), c = n(2346), u = n(2698), l = n(863), s = { widget: "embed-widget", popup: "popup-blank", slider: "popup-drawer", popover: "popup-popover", "side-tab": "popup-side-panel" }; t.buildIframeSrc = function(e) { var t = e.domain, n = e.formId, d = e.type, f = e.embedId, p = e.options, v = function(e, t, n) { var r = n.transitiveSearchParams, i = n.source, a = n.medium, c = n.mediumVersion, l = n.hideFooter, d = n.hideHeaders, f = n.opacity, p = n.disableTracking, v = n.enableSandbox, m = n.shareGaInstance, b = n.forceTouch, h = n.displayAsFullScreenModal, y = n.tracking, g = n.redirectTarget, O = n.autoResize, _ = n.disableScroll, w = n.onEndingButtonClick, E = n.noHeading, P = (0, u.getTransitiveSearchParams)(r); return o(o(o({}, { "typeform-embed-id": t, "typeform-embed": s[e], "typeform-source": i, "typeform-medium": a, "typeform-medium-version": c, "embed-hide-footer": l ? "true" : void 0, "embed-hide-headers": d ? "true" : void 0, "embed-opacity": f, "disable-tracking": p || v ? "true" : void 0, "__dangerous-disable-submissions": v ? "true" : void 0, "share-ga-instance": m ? "true" : void 0, "force-touch": b ? "true" : void 0, "add-placeholder-ws": "widget" === e && h ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-redirect-target": g, "typeform-embed-auto-resize": O ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-disable-scroll": _ ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-handle-ending-button-click": w ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-no-heading": E ? "true" : void 0 }), P), y) }(d, f, function(e) { return e.noHeading || (e.noHeading = document.querySelectorAll("h1").length > 0), o(o({}, { source: null === (t = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.location) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.hostname.replace(/^www\./, ""), medium: "embed-sdk", mediumVersion: "next" }), (0, a.removeUndefinedKeys)(e)); var t }(p)), m = function(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = i.DEFAULT_DOMAIN), e.startsWith("http://") || e.startsWith("https://") ? new URL(e) : new URL("https://".concat(t, "/to/").concat(e)) }(n, t); if (Object.entries(v).filter((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2)[1]; return (0, c.isDefined)(t) })).forEach((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2), n = t[0], o = t[1]; m.searchParams.set(n, o) })), p.hubspot) { var b = (0, l.getHubspotHiddenFields)(); p.hidden = o(o({}, p.hidden), b) } if (p.hidden) { var h = new URLSearchParams; Object.entries(p.hidden).filter((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2)[1]; return (0, c.isDefined)(t) && "" !== t })).forEach((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2), n = t[0], o = t[1]; "boolean" == typeof p.transitiveSearchParams && m.searchParams.delete(n), h.set(n, o) })); var y = h.toString(); y && (m.hash = y) } return m.href } }, 2391: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.changeColorOpacity = void 0, t.changeColorOpacity = function(e, t) { return void 0 === e && (e = ""), void 0 === t && (t = 255), e.startsWith("rgba(") ? null == e ? void 0 : e.replace(/, [\d.]+\)$/, ", ".concat(t, ")")) : e } }, 8972: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.handleCustomOpen = void 0; var n = { remove: function() {} }; t.handleCustomOpen = function(e, t, o) { switch (t) { case "load": return e(), n; case "exit": return o ? function(e, t) { var n = 0, o = function(r) { r.clientY < e && r.clientY < n ? (document.removeEventListener("mousemove", o, !0), t()) : n = r.clientY }; return document.addEventListener("mousemove", o, !0), { remove: function() { return document.removeEventListener("mousemove", o, !0) } } }(o, e) : n; case "time": return setTimeout((function() { e() }), o), n; case "scroll": return o ? function(e, t) { function n() { var o = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, r = document.documentElement.clientTop || 0, i = document.documentElement.scrollHeight, a = o - r, c = a / i * 100, u = a + window.innerHeight >= i; (c >= e || u) && (t(), document.removeEventListener("scroll", n)) } return document.addEventListener("scroll", n), { remove: function() { return document.removeEventListener("scroll", n) } } }(o, e) : n; default: return n } } }, 1553: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createIframe = void 0; var o = n(3626), r = n(6797), i = n(8866), a = n(8554), c = n(2256), u = n(7144), l = n(5511); t.createIframe = function(e, t) { var n = t.formId, s = t.domain, d = t.options, f = (0, i.generateEmbedId)(), p = d.iframeProps, v = void 0 === p ? {} : p, m = d.onReady, b = d.onStarted, h = d.onQuestionChanged, y = d.onHeightChanged, g = d.onSubmit, O = d.onEndingButtonClick, _ = d.shareGaInstance, w = (0, o.buildIframeSrc)({ formId: n, domain: s, embedId: f, type: e, options: d }), E = document.createElement("iframe"); return E.src = w, E.dataset.testid = "iframe", = "0px", E.allow = "microphone; camera", (0, r.addAttributesToElement)(E, v), E.addEventListener("load", c.triggerIframeRedraw, { once: !0 }), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormReadyHandler)(f, m)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormStartedHandler)(f, b)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormQuestionChangedHandler)(f, h)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormHeightChangedHandler)(f, y)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormSubmitHandler)(f, g)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormThemeHandler)(f, (function(e) { var t; if (null == e ? void 0 : e.theme) { var n = document.querySelector(".tf-v1-close-icon"); n && ( = null === (t = e.theme) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.color) } }))), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getThankYouScreenButtonClickHandler)(f, O)), "widget" !== e && window.addEventListener("message", u.dispatchCustomKeyEventFromIframe), _ && window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormReadyHandler)(f, (function() { (0, r.setupGaInstance)(E, f, _) }))), { iframe: E, embedId: f, refresh: function() { return (0, l.refreshIframe)(E) }, focus: function() { var e; null === (e = E.contentWindow) || void 0 === e || e.postMessage("embed-focus", "*") } } } }, 8866: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.generateEmbedId = void 0, t.generateEmbedId = function() { var e = Math.random(); return n(String(e).split("."), 2)[1] } }, 8554: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; function o(e, t, o) { return function(r) { var i =, a = i.type, c = i.embedId, u = n(i, ["type", "embedId"]); a === e && c === t && (null == o || o(u)) } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.getThankYouScreenButtonClickHandler = t.getFormThemeHandler = t.getWelcomeScreenHiddenHandler = t.getFormSubmitHandler = t.getFormHeightChangedHandler = t.getFormQuestionChangedHandler = t.getFormStartedHandler = t.getFormReadyHandler = void 0, t.getFormReadyHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-ready", e, t) }, t.getFormStartedHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-started", e, t) }, t.getFormQuestionChangedHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-screen-changed", e, t) }, t.getFormHeightChangedHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-height-changed", e, t) }, t.getFormSubmitHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-submit", e, t) }, t.getWelcomeScreenHiddenHandler = function(e, t) { return o("welcome-screen-hidden", e, t) }, t.getFormThemeHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-theme", e, t) }, t.getThankYouScreenButtonClickHandler = function(e, t) { return o("thank-you-screen-button-click", e, t) } }, 339: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(1553), t), r(n(7144), t) }, 5511: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.refreshIframe = void 0, t.refreshIframe = function(e) { if (e) { var t = e.src; if (t.includes("&refresh")) { var n = t.split("&refresh#"); e.src = n.join("#") } else(n = t.split("#"))[0] = "".concat(n[0], "&refresh"), e.src = n.join("#") } } }, 7144: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } } function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, o = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i; function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.dispatchCustomKeyEventFromIframe = t.removeCustomKeyboardListener = t.addCustomKeyboardListener = void 0; var r = "Escape", i = function(e, i) { return n(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return o(this, (function(n) { return e.code === r && "function" == typeof i && (i(), (0, t.removeCustomKeyboardListener)()), [2] })) })) }; t.addCustomKeyboardListener = function(e) { return window.document.addEventListener("keydown", (function(t) { return i(t, e) })) }, t.removeCustomKeyboardListener = function() { return window.document.removeEventListener("keydown", i) }, t.dispatchCustomKeyEventFromIframe = function(e) { "form-close" === && window.document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { code: r })) } }, 2256: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.triggerIframeRedraw = void 0, t.triggerIframeRedraw = function() { = "translateZ(0)" } }, 8939: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.getTextColor = void 0; var o = n(2938); t.getTextColor = function(e) { if (!e) return "#FFFFFF"; var t = e.startsWith("#") ? (0, o.hexRgb)(e) : function(e) { var t = { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 }, n = e.match(/\d+/g); return n && ( = parseInt(n[0], 10), = parseInt(n[0], 10), = parseInt(n[0], 10)), t }(e), n =, r =, i =; return Math.round((299 * n + 587 * r + 114 * i) / 1e3) > 150 ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF" } }, 2698: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.getTransitiveSearchParams = void 0, t.getTransitiveSearchParams = function(e) { var t = new URL(window.location.href); return "boolean" == typeof e && e ? Object.fromEntries(t.searchParams.entries()) : Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0 ? e.reduce((function(e, o) { var r, i = t.searchParams.get(o); return i ? n(n({}, e), ((r = {})[o] = i, r)) : e }), {}) : {} } }, 8252: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.hasDom = void 0, t.hasDom = function() { return "undefined" != typeof document && "undefined" != typeof window } }, 2938: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.hexRgb = void 0; var n = "a-f\\d", o = "#?[".concat(n, "]{3}[").concat(n, "]?"), r = "#?[".concat(n, "]{6}([").concat(n, "]{2})?"), i = new RegExp("[^#".concat(n, "]"), "gi"), a = new RegExp("^".concat(o, "$|^").concat(r, "$"), "i"); t.hexRgb = function(e) { if ("string" != typeof e || i.test(e) || !a.test(e)) throw new TypeError("Expected a valid hex string"); 8 === (e = e.replace(/^#/, "")).length && (e = e.slice(0, 6)), 4 === e.length && (e = e.slice(0, 3)), 3 === e.length && (e = e[0] + e[0] + e[1] + e[1] + e[2] + e[2]); var t = Number.parseInt(e, 16); return { red: t >> 16, green: t >> 8 & 255, blue: 255 & t } } }, 863: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } }
function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } }
function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, r = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i;
function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.waitForHubspotCookie = t.getHubspotHiddenFields = t.getHubspotCookieValue = void 0; var i = n(4623); t.getHubspotCookieValue = function() { var e = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )".concat("hubspotutk", "=([^;]+)"))); return e && e[2] || void 0 }, t.getHubspotHiddenFields = function() { return { hubspot_page_name: document.title, hubspot_page_url: window.location.href, hubspot_utk: (0, t.getHubspotCookieValue)() } }, t.waitForHubspotCookie = function() { return o(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e, n; return r(this, (function(o) { switch (o.label) { case 0: e = 10, n = 0, o.label = 1; case 1: return !(0, t.getHubspotCookieValue)() && n < e ? [4, (0, i.sleep)(250)] : [3, 4]; case 2: o.sent(), o.label = 3; case 3: return n++, [3, 1]; case 4: return [2] } })) })) } }, 9071: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.includeCss = void 0, t.includeCss = function(e) { var t = function(e) { return "".concat("").concat(e) }(e); if (!document.querySelector('link[href="'.concat(t, '"]'))) { var n = document.createElement("link"); n.rel = "stylesheet", n.href = t, document.head.append(n) } } }, 6797: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(3626), t), r(n(339), t), r(n(8252), t), r(n(9071), t), r(n(2346), t), r(n(7377), t), r(n(6563), t), r(n(4527), t), r(n(9533), t), r(n(1451), t), r(n(8972), t), r(n(4748), t), r(n(4392), t), r(n(8939), t), r(n(9917), t), r(n(1987), t), r(n(2391), t), r(n(863), t), r(n(6890), t), r(n(5084), t) }, 6890: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.invokeWithoutDefault = void 0, t.invokeWithoutDefault = function(e) { return function(t) { null == t || t.preventDefault(), e() } } }, 2346: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.isDefined = void 0, t.isDefined = function(e) { return null != e } }, 1987: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.isVisible = t.isInPage = t.isOpen = void 0, t.isOpen = function(e) { return (0, t.isInPage)(e) && (0, t.isVisible)(e) }, t.isInPage = function(e) { return !!e.parentNode }, t.isVisible = function(e) { return "none" !== } }, 9917: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.lazyInitialize = void 0, t.lazyInitialize = function(e, t) { var n = new IntersectionObserver((function(e) { e.forEach((function(e) { e.isIntersecting && (t(), n.unobserve( })) })); n.observe(e) } }, 7377: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }, o = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.loadOptionsFromAttributes = t.transformAttributeValue = t.camelCaseToKebabCase = void 0, t.camelCaseToKebabCase = function(e) { return e.split("").map((function(e, t) { return e.toUpperCase() === e ? "".concat(0 !== t ? "-" : "").concat(e.toLowerCase()) : e })).join("") }; var r = function(e) { return e || void 0 }, i = function(e) { if (null !== e) return "" === e || "yes" === e || "true" === e }, a = function(e) { var t = e ? parseInt(e, 10) : NaN; return isNaN(t) ? void 0 : t }, c = "%ESCAPED_COMMA%", u = function(e) { if (e) return e.replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/\\,/g, c).split(",").filter((function(e) { return !!e })).map((function(e) { return e.replace(c, ",") })) }; t.transformAttributeValue = function(e, t) { var l, s, d; switch (t) { case "string": return r(e); case "boolean": return i(e); case "integer": return a(e); case "function": return function(e) { var t = e && e in window ? window[e] : void 0; return "function" == typeof t ? t : void 0 }(e); case "array": return u(e); case "record": return function(e) { if (e) return e.replace(/\\,/g, c).split(",").filter((function(e) { return !!e })).map((function(e) { return e.replace(c, ",") })).reduce((function(e, t) { var r, i = t.match(/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/); if (i) { var a = o(i, 3), c = a[1], u = a[2]; return n(n({}, e), ((r = {})[c.trim()] = u, r)) } return e }), {}) }(e); case "integerOrString": return function(e) { if (e) return e.match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? a(e) : r(e) }(e); case "integerOrBoolean": return null !== (l = a(e)) && void 0 !== l ? l : i(e); case "stringOrBoolean": return null !== (s = r(e)) && void 0 !== s ? s : i(e); case "arrayOrBoolean": return null !== (d = u(e)) && void 0 !== d ? d : i(e); default: throw new Error("Invalid attribute transformation ".concat(t)) } }, t.loadOptionsFromAttributes = function(e, o) { return Object.keys(o).reduce((function(r, i) { var a; return n(n({}, r), ((a = {})[i] = (0, t.transformAttributeValue)(e.getAttribute("data-tf-".concat((0, t.camelCaseToKebabCase)(i))), o[i]), a)) }), {}) } }, 6563: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.isFullscreen = t.isMobile = t.isBigScreen = void 0, t.isBigScreen = function() { return window.screen.width >= 1024 && window.screen.height >= 768 }, t.isMobile = function() { return /mobile|tablet|android/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) }, t.isFullscreen = function() { return (0, t.isMobile)() && !(0, t.isBigScreen)() } }, 4527: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.removeUndefinedKeys = void 0; var i = n(2346); t.removeUndefinedKeys = function(e) { return Object.entries(e).filter((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2)[1]; return (0, i.isDefined)(t) })).reduce((function(e, t) { var n, i = r(t, 2), a = i[0], c = i[1]; return o(o({}, e), ((n = {})[a] = c, n)) }), {}) } }, 4748: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.setAutoClose = t.DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TIME = void 0; var o = n(8554); t.DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TIME = 500, t.setAutoClose = function(e, n, r) { n && r && window.addEventListener("message", (0, o.getFormSubmitHandler)(e, (function() { return setTimeout(r, (o = "number" == typeof(e = n) ? e : 0, Math.max(o, t.DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TIME))); var e, o }))) } }, 9533: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.setElementSize = t.getValueWithUnits = void 0, t.getValueWithUnits = function(e) { return "string" != typeof e || e.match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? "".concat(e, "px") : e }, t.setElementSize = function(e, n) { var o = n.width, r = n.height; return o && ( = (0, t.getValueWithUnits)(o)), r && ( = (0, t.getValueWithUnits)(r)), e } }, 4392: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.setupGaInstance = t.sendGaIdMessage = void 0, t.sendGaIdMessage = function(e, t, n) { var o = { embedId: e, gaClientId: t }; setTimeout((function() { n && n.contentWindow && n.contentWindow.postMessage({ type: "ga-client-id", data: o }, "*") }), 0) }; var n = function(e) { console.error(e) }, o = function(e) { n("Whoops! You enabled the shareGaInstance feature in your typeform embed but ".concat(e, ".\n\n") + "Make sure to include Google Analytics Javascript code before the Typeform Embed Javascript code in your page and use correct tracker ID.\n\nIt is also possible the Google Analytics was blocked by your adblock plugin.") }; t.setupGaInstance = function(e, r, i) { var a = "string" == typeof i ? i : void 0; if (window.gtag) { if (a || (a = function() { if (window.dataLayer) { var e = window.dataLayer.find((function(e) { return e.length > 1 && "config" === e[0] })); return e && e[1] } }()), !a) return void o("the tracking ID could not be retrieved"); var c = !1; window.gtag("get", a, "client_id", (function(n) { c = !0, (0, t.sendGaIdMessage)(r, n, e) })), setTimeout((function() { c || o("the tracker with ID ".concat(a, " was not found")) }), 3e3) } else try { var u = function(e, t) { return t ? e.find((function(e) { return e.get("trackingId") === t })) : e[0] }(, a); u ? (0, t.sendGaIdMessage)(r, u.get("clientId"), e) : o("the tracker with ID ".concat(a, " was not found")) } catch (e) { o("the Google Analytics object was not found"), n(e) } } }, 4623: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.sleep = void 0, t.sleep = function(e) { return new Promise((function(t) { return setTimeout(t, e) })) } }, 1451: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.unmountElement = void 0, t.unmountElement = function(e) { var t; null === (t = e.parentNode) || void 0 === t || t.removeChild(e) } } }, t = {}, n = function n(o) { var r = t[o]; if (void 0 !== r) return r.exports; var i = t[o] = { exports: {} }; return e[o].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), i.exports }(6664); = n }();
! function() { "use strict"; var e = { 6664: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), i = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(e, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }) } : function(e, t) { e.default = t }), a = this && this.__importStar || function(e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var t = {}; if (null != e) for (var n in e) "default" !== n &&, n) && r(t, e, n); return i(t, e), t }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var c = n(6654), u = a(n(1920)); function l(e) { void 0 === e && (e = !1), s({ forceReload: e }), (0, c.initializeLiveEmbeds)({ forceReload: e, onLiveEmbedLoad: function(t) { s({ container: t, forceReload: e }) } }) } function s(e) { (0, c.initializePopovers)(e), (0, c.initializePopups)(e), (0, c.initializeSidetabs)(e), (0, c.initializeSliders)(e), (0, c.initializeWidgets)(e) } var d = function() { return l(!1) }; e.exports = o(o({}, u), { load: d, reload: function() { return l(!0) } }), document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", d, !1), "interactive" !== document.readyState && "complete" !== document.readyState || d() }, 8027: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = t.POPUP_SIZE = t.SLIDER_WIDTH = t.SLIDER_POSITION = t.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE = t.SIDETAB_ATTRIBUTE = t.WIDGET_ATTRIBUTE = t.SLIDER_ATTRIBUTE = t.POPUP_ATTRIBUTE = t.POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE = void 0, t.POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-popover", t.POPUP_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-popup", t.SLIDER_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-slider", t.WIDGET_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-widget", t.SIDETAB_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-sidetab", t.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE = "data-tf-live", t.SLIDER_POSITION = "right", t.SLIDER_WIDTH = 800, t.POPUP_SIZE = 100, t.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "" }, 7528: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createPopover = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = n(1320), c = function(e, t) { var n = e.parentNode; n && (n.removeChild(e), n.appendChild(t)) }, u = function(e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = "span"), void 0 === t && (t = "tf-v1-popover-button-icon"); var n = document.createElement(e); return n.className = "".concat(t, " tf-v1-close-icon"), n.innerHTML = "×", n.dataset.testid = t, n }, l = { buttonColor: "#3a7685" }; t.createPopover = function(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var n, s, d, f = o(o({}, l), t), p = f.domain, v = r(f, ["domain"]), m = (0, i.createIframe)("popover", { formId: e, domain: p, options: v }), b = m.iframe, h = m.embedId, y = m.refresh, g = m.focus, O = function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); return n.className = "tf-v1-popover", n.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover", (0, i.setElementSize)(n, { width: e, height: t }) }(v.width, v.height), _ = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-popover-wrapper", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover-wrapper", e }(), w = function(e, t) { var n = (0, i.getTextColor)(t), o = document.createElement("div"); o.className = "tf-v1-popover-button-icon"; var r = ''), a = null == e ? void 0 : e.startsWith("http"); return o.innerHTML = a ? "") : null != e ? e : r, o.dataset.testid = "default-icon", o }(v.customIcon, v.buttonColor || l.buttonColor), E = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "tf-v1-spinner"; var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.className = "tf-v1-popover-button-icon", t.dataset.testid = "spinner-icon", t.append(e), t }(), P = u(), T = u("button", "tf-v1-popover-close"), j = function(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var n = (0, i.getTextColor)(e), o = document.createElement("button"); return o.className = "tf-v1-popover-button", o.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover-button", = e, = n, (0, i.addAttributesToElement)(o, t), o }(v.buttonColor || l.buttonColor, v.buttonProps); (v.container || document.body).append(O), _.append(b), O.append(j), O.append(T), j.append(w); var S = function() { s && s.parentNode && (s.classList.add("closing"), setTimeout((function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(s) }), 250)) }; v.tooltip && v.tooltip.length > 0 && (s = function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("span"); n.className = "tf-v1-popover-tooltip-close", n.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover-tooltip-close", n.innerHTML = "×", n.onclick = t; var o = document.createElement("div"); o.className = "tf-v1-popover-tooltip-text", o.innerHTML = e; var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.className = "tf-v1-popover-tooltip", r.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover-tooltip", r.appendChild(o), r.appendChild(n), r }(v.tooltip, S), O.append(s)), v.notificationDays && (v.enableSandbox || (0, a.canBuildNotificationDot)(e)) && (d = (0, a.buildNotificationDot)(), j.append(d)), b.onload = function() { O.classList.add("open"), = "1", = "1", c(E, P), (0, i.addCustomKeyboardListener)(I) }; var C = function() { (0, i.isOpen)(_) || (S(), d && (d.classList.add("closing"), v.notificationDays && !v.enableSandbox && (0, a.saveNotificationDotHideUntilTime)(e, v.notificationDays), setTimeout((function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(d) }), 250)), setTimeout((function() { (0, i.isInPage)(_) ? ( = "0", = "0", = "flex", setTimeout((function() { O.classList.add("open"), = "1", = "1" })), c(w, P)) : (O.append(_), c(w, E), = "0", = "0") }))) }, I = function() { var e; (0, i.isOpen)(O) && (null === (e = t.onClose) || void 0 === e ||, setTimeout((function() { v.keepSession ? = "none" : (0, i.unmountElement)(_), O.classList.remove("open"), c(P, w) }), 250)) }; (0, i.setAutoClose)(h, v.autoClose, I); var M = function() { (0, i.isOpen)(_) ? I(): C() }; return j.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(M), T.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(I), && !(0, i.isOpen)(_) && (n = (0, i.handleCustomOpen)(C,, v.openValue)), { open: C, close: I, toggle: M, refresh: y, focus: g, unmount: function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(O), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() } } } }, 1797: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(7528), t), r(n(6100), t) }, 1320: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildNotificationDot = t.canBuildNotificationDot = t.saveNotificationDotHideUntilTime = void 0; var o = "tfNotificationData", r = function() { var e = localStorage.getItem(o); return e ? JSON.parse(e) : {} }, i = function(e) { e && localStorage.setItem(o, JSON.stringify(e)) }; t.saveNotificationDotHideUntilTime = function(e, t) { var o, a = new Date; a.setDate(a.getDate() + t), i(n(n({}, r()), ((o = {})[e] = { hideUntilTime: a.getTime() }, o))) }, t.canBuildNotificationDot = function(e) { var t = function(e) { var t; return (null === (t = r()[e]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.hideUntilTime) || 0 }(e); return (new Date).getTime() > t && (t && function(e) { var t = r(); delete t[e], i(t) }(e), !0) }, t.buildNotificationDot = function() { var e = document.createElement("span"); return e.className = "tf-v1-popover-unread-dot", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popover-unread-dot", e } }, 6100: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 9630: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createPopup = void 0; var r = n(6797), i = n(8027), a = n(6797); t.createPopup = function(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = {}), !(0, r.hasDom)()) return { open: function() {}, close: function() {}, toggle: function() {}, refresh: function() {}, focus: function() {}, unmount: function() {} }; var n, c = t.width, u = t.height, l = t.size, s = void 0 === l ? i.POPUP_SIZE : l, d = t.onClose, f = t.domain, p = o(t, ["width", "height", "size", "onClose", "domain"]), v = (0, r.createIframe)("popup", { formId: e, domain: f, options: p }), m = v.iframe, b = v.embedId, h = v.refresh, y = v.focus, g =, O = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-popup", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-popup", = "0", e }(), _ = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-spinner", e }(), w = function(e, t, n) { var o = document.createElement("div"); return o.className = "tf-v1-iframe-wrapper", = "0", (0, r.isDefined)(e) && (0, r.isDefined)(t) ? (0, r.setElementSize)(o, { width: e, height: t }) : ( = "calc(".concat(n, "% - 80px)"), = "calc(".concat(n, "% - 80px)"), o) }(c, u, s); w.append(m), O.append(_), O.append(w); var E = p.container || document.body; m.onload = function() { = "1", setTimeout((function() { = "none" }), 250), (0, r.addCustomKeyboardListener)(T) }; var P = function() { (0, a.isOpen)(O) || ((0, a.isInPage)(O) ? = "flex" : ( = "block", E.append(O)), = "scroll", setTimeout((function() { = "1" }))) }, T = function() { (0, a.isOpen)(O) && (null == d || d(), = "0", = g, setTimeout((function() { p.keepSession ? = "none" : j() }), 250)) }; w.append(function(e) { var t = document.createElement("button"); return t.className = "tf-v1-close tf-v1-close-icon", t.innerHTML = "×", t.ariaLabel = "Close", t.onclick = (0, r.invokeWithoutDefault)(e), t }(T)), (0, r.setAutoClose)(b, p.autoClose, T), && !(0, a.isOpen)(O) && (n = (0, r.handleCustomOpen)(P,, p.openValue)); var j = function() { (0, r.unmountElement)(O), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() }; return { open: P, close: T, toggle: function() { (0, a.isOpen)(O) ? T(): P() }, refresh: h, focus: y, unmount: j } } }, 5970: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(9630), t), r(n(7394), t) }, 7394: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 382: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createSidetab = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = { buttonColor: "#3a7685", buttonText: "Launch me" }, c = function(e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = "div"), void 0 === t && (t = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-icon"); var n = document.createElement(e); return n.className = "".concat(t, " tf-v1-close-icon"), n.innerHTML = "×", n.dataset.testid = t, n }, u = function(e, t) { var n = e.parentNode; n && (n.removeChild(e), n.appendChild(t)) }; t.createSidetab = function(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var n, l = o(o({}, a), t), s = l.domain, d = r(l, ["domain"]), f = (0, i.createIframe)("side-tab", { formId: e, domain: s, options: d }), p = f.iframe, v = f.embedId, m = f.refresh, b = f.focus, h = function(e, t, n, o) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.className = "tf-v1-sidetab", r.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-sidetab", (0, i.setElementSize)(r, { width: e, height: t }), void 0 !== n ? ( = "calc(".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(n), " + ").concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(t || 580), " / 2)"), = "auto") : void 0 !== o && ( = "auto", = "calc(".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(o), " - ").concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(t || 580), " / 2)")), r }(d.width, d.height,, d.bottom), y = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-wrapper", e.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-sidetab-wrapper", e }(), g = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "tf-v1-spinner"; var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-icon", t.dataset.testid = "spinner-icon", t.append(e), t }(), O = function(e) { var t = e.backgroundColor, n = e.textColor, o = e.width, r = e.height, a = e.align, c = void 0 === a ? "center" : a, u = e.buttonProps, l = void 0 === u ? {} : u, s = document.createElement("button"); return s.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button", = t, = n || (0, i.getTextColor)(t), (0, i.addAttributesToElement)(s, l), (0, i.setElementSize)(s, { width: o, height: r }), r && ( = "-".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(r))), "top" === c ? ( = "rotate(-90deg) translateX(-100%)", = "0") : "bottom" === c && ( = "rotate(-90deg) translateX(0)", = "auto", = "-".concat((0, i.getValueWithUnits)(r || 48))), s }({ backgroundColor: d.buttonColor || a.buttonColor, textColor: d.buttonTextColor, width: d.buttonHeight, height: d.buttonWidth, align: d.buttonAlign, buttonProps: d.buttonProps }), _ = function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("span"); return n.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-text", n.innerHTML = e, t && ( = (0, i.getValueWithUnits)(t)), n }(d.buttonText || a.buttonText, d.buttonTextSize), w = function(e, t, n, o) { var r = n || (0, i.getTextColor)(t), a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "tf-v1-sidetab-button-icon", o && ( = (0, i.getValueWithUnits)(o), = (0, i.getValueWithUnits)(o)); var c = ''), u = null == e ? void 0 : e.startsWith("http"); return a.innerHTML = u ? "") : null != e ? e : c, a.dataset.testid = "default-icon", a }(d.customIcon, d.buttonColor || a.buttonColor, d.buttonTextColor, d.buttonTextSize), E = c(), P = c("button", "tf-v1-sidetab-close"); (d.container || document.body).append(h), y.append(p), h.append(O), h.append(P), O.append(w), O.append(_), setTimeout((function() { h.classList.add("ready") }), 250), p.onload = function() { h.classList.add("open"), u(g, E), (0, i.addCustomKeyboardListener)(j) }; var T = function() { (0, i.isOpen)(y) || ((0, i.isInPage)(y) ? ( = "flex", h.classList.add("open"), u(w, E)) : (h.append(y), u(w, g))) }, j = function() { var e; (0, i.isOpen)(y) && (null === (e = d.onClose) || void 0 === e ||, h.classList.remove("open"), setTimeout((function() { d.keepSession ? = "none" : (0, i.unmountElement)(y), u(E, w) }), 250)) }; (0, i.setAutoClose)(v, d.autoClose, j); var S = function() { (0, i.isOpen)(y) ? j(): T() }; return O.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(S), P.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(j), && !(0, i.isOpen)(y) && (n = (0, i.handleCustomOpen)(T,, d.openValue)), { open: T, close: j, toggle: S, refresh: m, focus: b, unmount: function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(h), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() } } } }, 1434: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(382), t), r(n(7668), t) }, 7668: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 2603: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createSlider = void 0; var r = n(6797), i = n(8027); t.createSlider = function(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = {}), !(0, r.hasDom)()) return { open: function() {}, close: function() {}, toggle: function() {}, refresh: function() {}, focus: function() {}, unmount: function() {} }; var n, a = t.position, c = void 0 === a ? i.SLIDER_POSITION : a, u = t.width, l = void 0 === u ? i.SLIDER_WIDTH : u, s = t.onClose, d = t.domain, f = o(t, ["position", "width", "onClose", "domain"]), p = (0, r.createIframe)("slider", { formId: e, domain: d, options: f }), v = p.iframe, m = p.embedId, b = p.refresh, h = p.focus, y =, g = function(e) { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.className = "tf-v1-slider ".concat(e), t.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-slider", = "0", t }(c), O = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "tf-v1-spinner", e }(), _ = function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); return n.className = "tf-v1-iframe-wrapper",[e] = "-100%", (0, r.setElementSize)(n, { width: t }) }(c, l); _.append(v), g.append(O), g.append(_); var w = f.container || document.body; v.onload = function() {[c] = "0", setTimeout((function() { = "none" }), 500), (0, r.addCustomKeyboardListener)(P) }; var E = function() { (0, r.isOpen)(g) || ((0, r.isInPage)(g) ? ( = "flex", setTimeout((function() {[c] = "0" }))) : (w.append(g), = "block"), = "scroll", setTimeout((function() { = "1" }))) }, P = function() { (0, r.isOpen)(g) && (null == s || s(), = "0",[c] = "-100%", = y, setTimeout((function() { f.keepSession ? = "none" : T() }), 500)) }; (0, r.setAutoClose)(m, f.autoClose, P), _.append(function(e) { var t = document.createElement("button"); return t.className = "tf-v1-close tf-v1-close-icon", t.innerHTML = "×", t.ariaLabel = "Close", t.onclick = (0, r.invokeWithoutDefault)(e), t }(P)), && !(0, r.isOpen)(g) && (n = (0, r.handleCustomOpen)(E,, f.openValue)); var T = function() { (0, r.unmountElement)(g), && (null == n ? void 0 : n.remove) && n.remove() }; return { open: E, close: P, toggle: function() { (0, r.isOpen)(g) ? P(): E() }, refresh: b, focus: h, unmount: T } } }, 4071: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(2603), t), r(n(3162), t) }, 3162: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 718: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }, r = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createWidget = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = n(8554), c = n(2313), u = n(1126); t.createWidget = function(e, t) { if (!(0, i.hasDom)()) return { refresh: function() {}, focus: function() {}, unmount: function() {} }; var n = t.domain, l = o(t, ["domain"]); l.inlineOnMobile = t.inlineOnMobile || t.fullScreen, l.inlineOnMobile || !l.forceTouch && !(0, i.isFullscreen)() || (l.displayAsFullScreenModal = !0, l.forceTouch = !0); var s = (0, i.createIframe)("widget", { formId: e, domain: n, options: l }), d = s.embedId, f = s.iframe, p = s.refresh, v = s.focus, m = (0, c.buildWidget)(f, l.width, l.height); if (l.fullScreen && (0, u.overrideFullScreenStyles)(t.container, f), l.autoResize) { var b = r("string" == typeof l.autoResize ? l.autoResize.split(",").map((function(e) { return parseInt(e) })) : [], 2), h = b[0], y = b[1]; window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormHeightChangedHandler)(d, (function(e) { var n = Math.max(e.height, h || 0); y && (n = Math.min(n, y)), = "".concat(n, "px") }))) } l.autoFocus && window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormReadyHandler)(d, (function() { setTimeout((function() { v() }), 1e3) }))); var g, O = function() { return t.container.append(m) }; if (t.container.innerHTML = "", t.lazy ? (0, i.lazyInitialize)(t.container, O) : O(), l.displayAsFullScreenModal) { var _ = "", w = t.container, E =; window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getWelcomeScreenHiddenHandler)(d, (function() { w.classList.add("tf-v1-widget-fullscreen"), void 0 !== t.opacity && ( = _) }))), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormThemeHandler)(d, (function(e) { var t; _ = (0, i.changeColorOpacity)(null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.theme) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.backgroundColor) }))); var P = ((g = document.createElement("button")).className = "tf-v1-widget-close tf-v1-close-icon", g.innerHTML = "×", g.ariaLabel = "Close", g); P.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)((function() { var e; if ( = E, null === (e = t.onClose) || void 0 === e ||, w.classList.remove("tf-v1-widget-fullscreen"), = "", t.keepSession) { var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "tf-v1-widget-iframe-overlay", n.onclick = function() { w.classList.add("tf-v1-widget-fullscreen"), (0, i.unmountElement)(n) }, m.append(n) } else t.container.innerHTML = "", O(), w.append(P) })), w.append(P) } return { refresh: p, focus: v, unmount: function() { (0, i.unmountElement)(m) } } } }, 1419: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildWidget = void 0; var o = n(6797); t.buildWidget = function(e, t, n) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.className = "tf-v1-widget", r.dataset.testid = "tf-v1-widget", r.append(e), (0, o.setElementSize)(r, { width: t, height: n }) } }, 2313: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(1419), t) }, 1126: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.overrideFullScreenStyles = void 0, t.overrideFullScreenStyles = function(e, t) { Object.assign(, { zIndex: "10001", position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%" }), = "0", Object.assign(, { overflow: "scroll" }) } }, 9321: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(718), t), r(n(4058), t) }, 4058: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, 1920: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(1797), t), r(n(5970), t), r(n(4071), t), r(n(9321), t), r(n(1434), t) }, 5455: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildOptionsFromAttributes = void 0; var o = n(6797); t.buildOptionsFromAttributes = function(e) { return (0, o.loadOptionsFromAttributes)(e, { source: "string", domain: "string", medium: "string", mediumVersion: "string", open: "string", openValue: "integer", hideFooter: "boolean", hideHeaders: "boolean", opacity: "integer", disableTracking: "boolean", onReady: "function", onStarted: "function", onSubmit: "function", onQuestionChanged: "function", onHeightChanged: "function", autoResize: "stringOrBoolean", onClose: "function", onEndingButtonClick: "function", transitiveSearchParams: "arrayOrBoolean", hidden: "record", buttonColor: "string", buttonTextColor: "string", buttonTextSize: "integerOrString", buttonWidth: "integerOrString", buttonHeight: "integerOrString", buttonAlign: "string", top: "integerOrString", bottom: "integerOrString", customIcon: "string", width: "integerOrString", height: "integerOrString", size: "integer", buttonText: "string", position: "string", enableSandbox: "boolean", tooltip: "string", notificationDays: "integer", autoClose: "integerOrBoolean", shareGaInstance: "stringOrBoolean", forceTouch: "boolean", inlineOnMobile: "boolean", autoFocus: "boolean", tracking: "record", redirectTarget: "string", iframeProps: "record", buttonProps: "record", lazy: "boolean", keepSession: "boolean", hubspot: "boolean", disableScroll: "boolean", fullScreen: "boolean", noHeading: "boolean" }) } }, 6654: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(8806), t), r(n(8933), t), r(n(7833), t), r(n(5361), t), r(n(2103), t), r(n(1412), t) }, 1412: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeLiveEmbeds = void 0; var o = n(8027), r = n(201); t.initializeLiveEmbeds = function(e) { for (var t = e.forceReload, n = e.onLiveEmbedLoad, i = document.querySelectorAll("[".concat(o.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE, "]")), a = function(e) { var a = i.item(e); if (t || "true" !== a.dataset.tfLoaded) { var c = a.getAttribute(o.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE); if (!c) throw new Error("Invalid ".concat(o.LIVE_EMBED_ATTRIBUTE, "=").concat(c, " for embed #").concat(e)); (0, r.fetchLiveEmbed)(c).then((function(e) { var t = e.html; a.innerHTML = t, a.dataset.tfLoaded = "true", n(a) })) } }, c = 0; c < i.length; c += 1) a(c) } }, 8806: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializePopovers = void 0; var o = n(1797), r = n(8027), i = n(7308); t.initializePopovers = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, a = void 0 !== n && n; (0, i.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "popover.css", container: t, forceReload: a, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { var r = (0, o.createPopover)(e, t).toggle; n.onclick = r } }) } }, 8933: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializePopups = void 0; var o = n(5970), r = n(8027), i = n(6797), a = n(7308); t.initializePopups = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, c = void 0 !== n && n; (0, a.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.POPUP_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "popup.css", container: t, forceReload: c, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { var r = (0, o.createPopup)(e, t).toggle; n.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(r) } }) } }, 2103: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeSidetabs = void 0; var o = n(1434), r = n(8027), i = n(7308); t.initializeSidetabs = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, a = void 0 !== n && n; (0, i.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.SIDETAB_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "sidetab.css", container: t, forceReload: a, factoryMethod: function(e, t) { (0, o.createSidetab)(e, t) } }) } }, 7833: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeSliders = void 0; var o = n(4071), r = n(8027), i = n(6797), a = n(7308); t.initializeSliders = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, c = void 0 !== n && n; (0, a.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: r.SLIDER_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "slider.css", container: t, forceReload: c, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { var r = (0, o.createSlider)(e, t).toggle; n.onclick = (0, i.invokeWithoutDefault)(r) } }) } }, 5361: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initializeWidgets = void 0; var r = n(9321), i = n(8027), a = n(7308); t.initializeWidgets = function(e) { var t = e.container, n = e.forceReload, c = void 0 !== n && n; (0, a.initialize)({ embedElementAttribute: i.WIDGET_ATTRIBUTE, cssFilename: "widget.css", container: t, forceReload: c, factoryMethod: function(e, t, n) { (0, r.createWidget)(e, o(o({}, t), { container: n })) } }) } }, 7308: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } } function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, r = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i; function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.initialize = void 0; var i = n(6797), a = n(5455), c = n(1176); t.initialize = function(e) { var t = e.embedElementAttribute, n = e.cssFilename, u = e.forceReload, l = void 0 !== u && u, s = e.factoryMethod, d = e.container, f = void 0 === d ? document : d; return o(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e, o, u, d, p; return r(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: (e = f.querySelectorAll("[".concat(t, "]"))).length > 0 && (0, i.includeCss)(n), o = 0, r.label = 1; case 1: if (!(o < e.length)) return [3, 5]; if (u = e.item(o), !l && "true" === u.dataset.tfLoaded) return [3, 4]; if (!(d = u.getAttribute(t))) throw new Error("Invalid ".concat(t, "=").concat(d, " for embed #").concat(o)); return u.hasAttribute("data-tf-hubspot") ? [4, (0, i.waitForHubspotCookie)()] : [3, 3]; case 2: r.sent(), r.label = 3; case 3: p = (0, c.mergeOptions)((0, a.buildOptionsFromAttributes)(u), f === document ? {} : (0, a.buildOptionsFromAttributes)(f)), s(d, p, u), u.dataset.tfLoaded = "true", r.label = 4; case 4: return o += 1, [3, 1]; case 5: return [2] } })) })) } }, 1176: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }, o = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.mergeOptions = void 0, t.mergeOptions = function() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t]; return e.reduce((function(e, t) { return Object.entries(t).forEach((function(t) { var r = o(t, 2), i = r[0], a = r[1]; if (void 0 === a) return e; "object" == typeof e[i] && "object" == typeof a ? e[i] = n(n({}, e[i]), a) : e[i] = a })), e }), {}) } }, 201: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } } function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, o = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i; function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.fetchLiveEmbed = void 0, t.fetchLiveEmbed = function(e) { return n(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var t; return o(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return [4, fetch("".concat(e))]; case 1: if (!(t = n.sent()).ok) throw new Error("Cannot fetch embed ".concat(e)); return [4, t.json()]; case 2: return [2, n.sent()] } })) })) } }, 5084: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.addAttributesToElement = void 0; var o = n(7377); t.addAttributesToElement = function(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}), Object.keys(t).forEach((function(n) { e.setAttribute((0, o.camelCaseToKebabCase)(n), t[n]) })) } }, 3626: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.buildIframeSrc = void 0; var i = n(8027), a = n(4527), c = n(2346), u = n(2698), l = n(863), s = { widget: "embed-widget", popup: "popup-blank", slider: "popup-drawer", popover: "popup-popover", "side-tab": "popup-side-panel" }; t.buildIframeSrc = function(e) { var t = e.domain, n = e.formId, d = e.type, f = e.embedId, p = e.options, v = function(e, t, n) { var r = n.transitiveSearchParams, i = n.source, a = n.medium, c = n.mediumVersion, l = n.hideFooter, d = n.hideHeaders, f = n.opacity, p = n.disableTracking, v = n.enableSandbox, m = n.shareGaInstance, b = n.forceTouch, h = n.displayAsFullScreenModal, y = n.tracking, g = n.redirectTarget, O = n.autoResize, _ = n.disableScroll, w = n.onEndingButtonClick, E = n.noHeading, P = (0, u.getTransitiveSearchParams)(r); return o(o(o({}, { "typeform-embed-id": t, "typeform-embed": s[e], "typeform-source": i, "typeform-medium": a, "typeform-medium-version": c, "embed-hide-footer": l ? "true" : void 0, "embed-hide-headers": d ? "true" : void 0, "embed-opacity": f, "disable-tracking": p || v ? "true" : void 0, "__dangerous-disable-submissions": v ? "true" : void 0, "share-ga-instance": m ? "true" : void 0, "force-touch": b ? "true" : void 0, "add-placeholder-ws": "widget" === e && h ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-redirect-target": g, "typeform-embed-auto-resize": O ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-disable-scroll": _ ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-handle-ending-button-click": w ? "true" : void 0, "typeform-embed-no-heading": E ? "true" : void 0 }), P), y) }(d, f, function(e) { return e.noHeading || (e.noHeading = document.querySelectorAll("h1").length > 0), o(o({}, { source: null === (t = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.location) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.hostname.replace(/^www\./, ""), medium: "embed-sdk", mediumVersion: "next" }), (0, a.removeUndefinedKeys)(e)); var t }(p)), m = function(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = i.DEFAULT_DOMAIN), e.startsWith("http://") || e.startsWith("https://") ? new URL(e) : new URL("https://".concat(t, "/to/").concat(e)) }(n, t); if (Object.entries(v).filter((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2)[1]; return (0, c.isDefined)(t) })).forEach((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2), n = t[0], o = t[1]; m.searchParams.set(n, o) })), p.hubspot) { var b = (0, l.getHubspotHiddenFields)(); p.hidden = o(o({}, p.hidden), b) } if (p.hidden) { var h = new URLSearchParams; Object.entries(p.hidden).filter((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2)[1]; return (0, c.isDefined)(t) && "" !== t })).forEach((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2), n = t[0], o = t[1]; "boolean" == typeof p.transitiveSearchParams && m.searchParams.delete(n), h.set(n, o) })); var y = h.toString(); y && (m.hash = y) } return m.href } }, 2391: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.changeColorOpacity = void 0, t.changeColorOpacity = function(e, t) { return void 0 === e && (e = ""), void 0 === t && (t = 255), e.startsWith("rgba(") ? null == e ? void 0 : e.replace(/, [\d.]+\)$/, ", ".concat(t, ")")) : e } }, 8972: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.handleCustomOpen = void 0; var n = { remove: function() {} }; t.handleCustomOpen = function(e, t, o) { switch (t) { case "load": return e(), n; case "exit": return o ? function(e, t) { var n = 0, o = function(r) { r.clientY < e && r.clientY < n ? (document.removeEventListener("mousemove", o, !0), t()) : n = r.clientY }; return document.addEventListener("mousemove", o, !0), { remove: function() { return document.removeEventListener("mousemove", o, !0) } } }(o, e) : n; case "time": return setTimeout((function() { e() }), o), n; case "scroll": return o ? function(e, t) { function n() { var o = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, r = document.documentElement.clientTop || 0, i = document.documentElement.scrollHeight, a = o - r, c = a / i * 100, u = a + window.innerHeight >= i; (c >= e || u) && (t(), document.removeEventListener("scroll", n)) } return document.addEventListener("scroll", n), { remove: function() { return document.removeEventListener("scroll", n) } } }(o, e) : n; default: return n } } }, 1553: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.createIframe = void 0; var o = n(3626), r = n(6797), i = n(8866), a = n(8554), c = n(2256), u = n(7144), l = n(5511); t.createIframe = function(e, t) { var n = t.formId, s = t.domain, d = t.options, f = (0, i.generateEmbedId)(), p = d.iframeProps, v = void 0 === p ? {} : p, m = d.onReady, b = d.onStarted, h = d.onQuestionChanged, y = d.onHeightChanged, g = d.onSubmit, O = d.onEndingButtonClick, _ = d.shareGaInstance, w = (0, o.buildIframeSrc)({ formId: n, domain: s, embedId: f, type: e, options: d }), E = document.createElement("iframe"); return E.src = w, E.dataset.testid = "iframe", = "0px", E.allow = "microphone; camera", (0, r.addAttributesToElement)(E, v), E.addEventListener("load", c.triggerIframeRedraw, { once: !0 }), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormReadyHandler)(f, m)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormStartedHandler)(f, b)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormQuestionChangedHandler)(f, h)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormHeightChangedHandler)(f, y)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormSubmitHandler)(f, g)), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormThemeHandler)(f, (function(e) { var t; if (null == e ? void 0 : e.theme) { var n = document.querySelector(".tf-v1-close-icon"); n && ( = null === (t = e.theme) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.color) } }))), window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getThankYouScreenButtonClickHandler)(f, O)), "widget" !== e && window.addEventListener("message", u.dispatchCustomKeyEventFromIframe), _ && window.addEventListener("message", (0, a.getFormReadyHandler)(f, (function() { (0, r.setupGaInstance)(E, f, _) }))), { iframe: E, embedId: f, refresh: function() { return (0, l.refreshIframe)(E) }, focus: function() { var e; null === (e = E.contentWindow) || void 0 === e || e.postMessage("embed-focus", "*") } } } }, 8866: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.generateEmbedId = void 0, t.generateEmbedId = function() { var e = Math.random(); return n(String(e).split("."), 2)[1] } }, 8554: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__rest || function(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var o in e), o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (n[o] = e[o]); if (null != e && "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = 0; for (o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r < o.length; r++) t.indexOf(o[r]) < 0 &&, o[r]) && (n[o[r]] = e[o[r]]) } return n }; function o(e, t, o) { return function(r) { var i =, a = i.type, c = i.embedId, u = n(i, ["type", "embedId"]); a === e && c === t && (null == o || o(u)) } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.getThankYouScreenButtonClickHandler = t.getFormThemeHandler = t.getWelcomeScreenHiddenHandler = t.getFormSubmitHandler = t.getFormHeightChangedHandler = t.getFormQuestionChangedHandler = t.getFormStartedHandler = t.getFormReadyHandler = void 0, t.getFormReadyHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-ready", e, t) }, t.getFormStartedHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-started", e, t) }, t.getFormQuestionChangedHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-screen-changed", e, t) }, t.getFormHeightChangedHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-height-changed", e, t) }, t.getFormSubmitHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-submit", e, t) }, t.getWelcomeScreenHiddenHandler = function(e, t) { return o("welcome-screen-hidden", e, t) }, t.getFormThemeHandler = function(e, t) { return o("form-theme", e, t) }, t.getThankYouScreenButtonClickHandler = function(e, t) { return o("thank-you-screen-button-click", e, t) } }, 339: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(1553), t), r(n(7144), t) }, 5511: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.refreshIframe = void 0, t.refreshIframe = function(e) { if (e) { var t = e.src; if (t.includes("&refresh")) { var n = t.split("&refresh#"); e.src = n.join("#") } else(n = t.split("#"))[0] = "".concat(n[0], "&refresh"), e.src = n.join("#") } } }, 7144: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } } function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, o = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i; function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.dispatchCustomKeyEventFromIframe = t.removeCustomKeyboardListener = t.addCustomKeyboardListener = void 0; var r = "Escape", i = function(e, i) { return n(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return o(this, (function(n) { return e.code === r && "function" == typeof i && (i(), (0, t.removeCustomKeyboardListener)()), [2] })) })) }; t.addCustomKeyboardListener = function(e) { return window.document.addEventListener("keydown", (function(t) { return i(t, e) })) }, t.removeCustomKeyboardListener = function() { return window.document.removeEventListener("keydown", i) }, t.dispatchCustomKeyEventFromIframe = function(e) { "form-close" === && window.document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { code: r })) } }, 2256: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.triggerIframeRedraw = void 0, t.triggerIframeRedraw = function() { = "translateZ(0)" } }, 8939: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.getTextColor = void 0; var o = n(2938); t.getTextColor = function(e) { if (!e) return "#FFFFFF"; var t = e.startsWith("#") ? (0, o.hexRgb)(e) : function(e) { var t = { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 }, n = e.match(/\d+/g); return n && ( = parseInt(n[0], 10), = parseInt(n[0], 10), = parseInt(n[0], 10)), t }(e), n =, r =, i =; return Math.round((299 * n + 587 * r + 114 * i) / 1e3) > 150 ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF" } }, 2698: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.getTransitiveSearchParams = void 0, t.getTransitiveSearchParams = function(e) { var t = new URL(window.location.href); return "boolean" == typeof e && e ? Object.fromEntries(t.searchParams.entries()) : Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0 ? e.reduce((function(e, o) { var r, i = t.searchParams.get(o); return i ? n(n({}, e), ((r = {})[o] = i, r)) : e }), {}) : {} } }, 8252: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.hasDom = void 0, t.hasDom = function() { return "undefined" != typeof document && "undefined" != typeof window } }, 2938: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.hexRgb = void 0; var n = "a-f\\d", o = "#?[".concat(n, "]{3}[").concat(n, "]?"), r = "#?[".concat(n, "]{6}([").concat(n, "]{2})?"), i = new RegExp("[^#".concat(n, "]"), "gi"), a = new RegExp("^".concat(o, "$|^").concat(r, "$"), "i"); t.hexRgb = function(e) { if ("string" != typeof e || i.test(e) || !a.test(e)) throw new TypeError("Expected a valid hex string"); 8 === (e = e.replace(/^#/, "")).length && (e = e.slice(0, 6)), 4 === e.length && (e = e.slice(0, 3)), 3 === e.length && (e = e[0] + e[0] + e[1] + e[1] + e[2] + e[2]); var t = Number.parseInt(e, 16); return { red: t >> 16, green: t >> 8 & 255, blue: 255 & t } } }, 863: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, o) { return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(r, i) { function a(e) { try { u( } catch (e) { i(e) } }
function c(e) { try { u(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { i(e) } }
function u(e) { var t; e.done ? r(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) { e(t) }))).then(a, c) } u((o = o.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) }, r = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, a = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return i = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }), i;
function c(c) { return function(u) { return function(c) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i && (i = 0, c[0] && (a = 0)), a;) try { if (n = 1, o && (r = 2 & c[0] ? o.return : c[0] ? o.throw || ((r = o.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, c[1])).done) return r; switch (o = 0, r && (c = [2 & c[0], r.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = c; break; case 4: return a.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: a.label++, o = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((r = (r = a.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { a = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!r || c[1] > r[0] && c[1] < r[3])) { a.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && a.label < r[1]) { a.label = r[1], r = c; break } if (r && a.label < r[2]) { a.label = r[2], a.ops.push(c); break } r[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop(); continue } c =, a) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], o = 0 } finally { n = r = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, u]) } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.waitForHubspotCookie = t.getHubspotHiddenFields = t.getHubspotCookieValue = void 0; var i = n(4623); t.getHubspotCookieValue = function() { var e = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )".concat("hubspotutk", "=([^;]+)"))); return e && e[2] || void 0 }, t.getHubspotHiddenFields = function() { return { hubspot_page_name: document.title, hubspot_page_url: window.location.href, hubspot_utk: (0, t.getHubspotCookieValue)() } }, t.waitForHubspotCookie = function() { return o(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e, n; return r(this, (function(o) { switch (o.label) { case 0: e = 10, n = 0, o.label = 1; case 1: return !(0, t.getHubspotCookieValue)() && n < e ? [4, (0, i.sleep)(250)] : [3, 4]; case 2: o.sent(), o.label = 3; case 3: return n++, [3, 1]; case 4: return [2] } })) })) } }, 9071: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.includeCss = void 0, t.includeCss = function(e) { var t = function(e) { return "".concat("").concat(e) }(e); if (!document.querySelector('link[href="'.concat(t, '"]'))) { var n = document.createElement("link"); n.rel = "stylesheet", n.href = t, document.head.append(n) } } }, 6797: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n); var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); r && !("get" in r ? !t.__esModule : r.writable || r.configurable) || (r = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, o, r) } : function(e, t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = n), e[o] = t[n] }), r = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) { for (var n in e) "default" === n ||, n) || o(t, e, n) }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r(n(3626), t), r(n(339), t), r(n(8252), t), r(n(9071), t), r(n(2346), t), r(n(7377), t), r(n(6563), t), r(n(4527), t), r(n(9533), t), r(n(1451), t), r(n(8972), t), r(n(4748), t), r(n(4392), t), r(n(8939), t), r(n(9917), t), r(n(1987), t), r(n(2391), t), r(n(863), t), r(n(6890), t), r(n(5084), t) }, 6890: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.invokeWithoutDefault = void 0, t.invokeWithoutDefault = function(e) { return function(t) { null == t || t.preventDefault(), e() } } }, 2346: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.isDefined = void 0, t.isDefined = function(e) { return null != e } }, 1987: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.isVisible = t.isInPage = t.isOpen = void 0, t.isOpen = function(e) { return (0, t.isInPage)(e) && (0, t.isVisible)(e) }, t.isInPage = function(e) { return !!e.parentNode }, t.isVisible = function(e) { return "none" !== } }, 9917: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.lazyInitialize = void 0, t.lazyInitialize = function(e, t) { var n = new IntersectionObserver((function(e) { e.forEach((function(e) { e.isIntersecting && (t(), n.unobserve( })) })); n.observe(e) } }, 7377: function(e, t) { var n = this && this.__assign || function() { return n = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, n.apply(this, arguments) }, o = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.loadOptionsFromAttributes = t.transformAttributeValue = t.camelCaseToKebabCase = void 0, t.camelCaseToKebabCase = function(e) { return e.split("").map((function(e, t) { return e.toUpperCase() === e ? "".concat(0 !== t ? "-" : "").concat(e.toLowerCase()) : e })).join("") }; var r = function(e) { return e || void 0 }, i = function(e) { if (null !== e) return "" === e || "yes" === e || "true" === e }, a = function(e) { var t = e ? parseInt(e, 10) : NaN; return isNaN(t) ? void 0 : t }, c = "%ESCAPED_COMMA%", u = function(e) { if (e) return e.replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/\\,/g, c).split(",").filter((function(e) { return !!e })).map((function(e) { return e.replace(c, ",") })) }; t.transformAttributeValue = function(e, t) { var l, s, d; switch (t) { case "string": return r(e); case "boolean": return i(e); case "integer": return a(e); case "function": return function(e) { var t = e && e in window ? window[e] : void 0; return "function" == typeof t ? t : void 0 }(e); case "array": return u(e); case "record": return function(e) { if (e) return e.replace(/\\,/g, c).split(",").filter((function(e) { return !!e })).map((function(e) { return e.replace(c, ",") })).reduce((function(e, t) { var r, i = t.match(/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/); if (i) { var a = o(i, 3), c = a[1], u = a[2]; return n(n({}, e), ((r = {})[c.trim()] = u, r)) } return e }), {}) }(e); case "integerOrString": return function(e) { if (e) return e.match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? a(e) : r(e) }(e); case "integerOrBoolean": return null !== (l = a(e)) && void 0 !== l ? l : i(e); case "stringOrBoolean": return null !== (s = r(e)) && void 0 !== s ? s : i(e); case "arrayOrBoolean": return null !== (d = u(e)) && void 0 !== d ? d : i(e); default: throw new Error("Invalid attribute transformation ".concat(t)) } }, t.loadOptionsFromAttributes = function(e, o) { return Object.keys(o).reduce((function(r, i) { var a; return n(n({}, r), ((a = {})[i] = (0, t.transformAttributeValue)(e.getAttribute("data-tf-".concat((0, t.camelCaseToKebabCase)(i))), o[i]), a)) }), {}) } }, 6563: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.isFullscreen = t.isMobile = t.isBigScreen = void 0, t.isBigScreen = function() { return window.screen.width >= 1024 && window.screen.height >= 768 }, t.isMobile = function() { return /mobile|tablet|android/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) }, t.isFullscreen = function() { return (0, t.isMobile)() && !(0, t.isBigScreen)() } }, 4527: function(e, t, n) { var o = this && this.__assign || function() { return o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in t = arguments[n]), r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e }, o.apply(this, arguments) }, r = this && this.__read || function(e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var o, r, i =, a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(o =;) a.push(o.value) } catch (e) { r = { error: e } } finally { try { o && !o.done && (n = i.return) && } finally { if (r) throw r.error } } return a }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.removeUndefinedKeys = void 0; var i = n(2346); t.removeUndefinedKeys = function(e) { return Object.entries(e).filter((function(e) { var t = r(e, 2)[1]; return (0, i.isDefined)(t) })).reduce((function(e, t) { var n, i = r(t, 2), a = i[0], c = i[1]; return o(o({}, e), ((n = {})[a] = c, n)) }), {}) } }, 4748: function(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.setAutoClose = t.DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TIME = void 0; var o = n(8554); t.DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TIME = 500, t.setAutoClose = function(e, n, r) { n && r && window.addEventListener("message", (0, o.getFormSubmitHandler)(e, (function() { return setTimeout(r, (o = "number" == typeof(e = n) ? e : 0, Math.max(o, t.DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TIME))); var e, o }))) } }, 9533: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.setElementSize = t.getValueWithUnits = void 0, t.getValueWithUnits = function(e) { return "string" != typeof e || e.match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? "".concat(e, "px") : e }, t.setElementSize = function(e, n) { var o = n.width, r = n.height; return o && ( = (0, t.getValueWithUnits)(o)), r && ( = (0, t.getValueWithUnits)(r)), e } }, 4392: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.setupGaInstance = t.sendGaIdMessage = void 0, t.sendGaIdMessage = function(e, t, n) { var o = { embedId: e, gaClientId: t }; setTimeout((function() { n && n.contentWindow && n.contentWindow.postMessage({ type: "ga-client-id", data: o }, "*") }), 0) }; var n = function(e) { console.error(e) }, o = function(e) { n("Whoops! You enabled the shareGaInstance feature in your typeform embed but ".concat(e, ".\n\n") + "Make sure to include Google Analytics Javascript code before the Typeform Embed Javascript code in your page and use correct tracker ID.\n\nIt is also possible the Google Analytics was blocked by your adblock plugin.") }; t.setupGaInstance = function(e, r, i) { var a = "string" == typeof i ? i : void 0; if (window.gtag) { if (a || (a = function() { if (window.dataLayer) { var e = window.dataLayer.find((function(e) { return e.length > 1 && "config" === e[0] })); return e && e[1] } }()), !a) return void o("the tracking ID could not be retrieved"); var c = !1; window.gtag("get", a, "client_id", (function(n) { c = !0, (0, t.sendGaIdMessage)(r, n, e) })), setTimeout((function() { c || o("the tracker with ID ".concat(a, " was not found")) }), 3e3) } else try { var u = function(e, t) { return t ? e.find((function(e) { return e.get("trackingId") === t })) : e[0] }(, a); u ? (0, t.sendGaIdMessage)(r, u.get("clientId"), e) : o("the tracker with ID ".concat(a, " was not found")) } catch (e) { o("the Google Analytics object was not found"), n(e) } } }, 4623: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.sleep = void 0, t.sleep = function(e) { return new Promise((function(t) { return setTimeout(t, e) })) } }, 1451: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.unmountElement = void 0, t.unmountElement = function(e) { var t; null === (t = e.parentNode) || void 0 === t || t.removeChild(e) } } }, t = {}, n = function n(o) { var r = t[o]; if (void 0 !== r) return r.exports; var i = t[o] = { exports: {} }; return e[o].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), i.exports }(6664); = n }();
What is a Childhood Trauma Test?
The Childhood Trauma Test (ACES Test) is a mental health assessment commonly used to help determine if a person experienced trauma while growing up. “ACE” stands for adverse childhood experience and can include both one-time and repetitive events. Taking the test can help a person come to terms with what they went through in their early years. If the test concludes that they did experience trauma, it provides a jumping-off point to discuss the results with a treatment professional to determine how to begin the healing process.
How Do I Know I Have Childhood Trauma?
Taking the Childhood Trauma Test (ACES Test) helps provide a solid overview of whether or not a person endured trauma as a child. Discussing the results with a mental health counselor or physician can help determine if trauma treatment is necessary. It also presents the person with a chance to ask further questions not covered on the test.
Understanding Your ACES Score
The best way to interpret your score from the Childhood Trauma Test (ACES Test) is to share it with a treatment provider. This includes a mental health counselor, psychiatrist, or staff member at a facility that treats trauma. They can discuss your answers to the test and how they reflect any trauma you may have experienced. From there, a treatment plan can be devised to help you begin to heal.
How Common is Childhood Trauma?
Many people keep their history of childhood abuse a secret out of shame and difficulty speaking about it. This can make it seem like trauma during childhood is rare when it actually happens to an alarming number of people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 64% of adults in the U.S. state that they experienced at least one type of adverse childhood experience before they turned 18. About 17% of them experienced four or more types of these events. This does not include the fact that many people do not report going through childhood trauma, which means the figures are likely even higher.
Causes of Childhood Trauma
Some of the questions in the Childhood Trauma Test (ACES Test) ask about specific incidents that happen when a person is young. Childhood trauma can happen as a result of several events. These include:
Childhood Trauma Test and Mental Health
When someone goes through childhood trauma, it puts them at risk of developing different kinds of mental health disorders. The most common ones are post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex trauma. Other possible mental illnesses that trauma can contribute to include anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.
Symptoms of Unresolved Childhood Trauma
Even if childhood trauma ended years or decades ago, symptoms of unresolved trauma can still be a part of a person’s daily life. Common symptoms of trauma include:
How Long Does It Take to Heal from Childhood Trauma?
Trauma causes deep-rooted psychological difficulties for those who undergo it. As a result, treating it will take time. How long depends on the severity of the trauma and what type of treatment a person seeks. Some people attend residential programs and stay for 30-60 days. Outpatient programs, which don’t require a person to move into a facility, have a few different levels. In general, 30 days or more per level provides the best results. Once general treatment concludes, the person may want to continue with something like individual therapy or attending support groups just to keep on top of staying healed.
How is Childhood Trauma Treated?
It takes professional treatment from experienced mental health counselors to help a person fully address childhood trauma. A person can attend individual therapy only, but programs that offer multiple types of therapy give a person a better ability to heal. Common types of therapy that address trauma include:
Find Treatment for Childhood Trauma Today
Did you suffer from trauma during your childhood and have never been able to put it to rest? Lingering trauma impacts every area of a person’s life and limits their ability to feel free and trust others. North Atlanta Behavioral Health provides a comfortable setting for people to open up about past events and how they affect their lives. For those unsure of whether or not their experiences qualify as trauma, we can review your results from the Childhood Trauma Test (ACES Test) and discuss them with you. Our staff of highly skilled therapists provides treatment for people whose quality of life has become compromised due to enduring past traumatic events. We provide Partial Hospitalization Programming, Intensive Outpatient, and Outpatient Rehab for mental health that shepherds a person from day one of recovery to the ability to leave treatment and enjoy better mental health for life.
For more information, contact our friendly admissions staff today. Let us talk to you about which of our programs will meet your exact needs.