Home Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
North Atlanta Behavioral Health provides quality outpatient mental health treatment for people with mental health and dual diagnosis disorders. We know you have questions and have provided the answers below in our FAQ section.
What Does It Mean to Have a Mental Illness?
A mental health disorder is a diagnosable illness that impacts a person’s emotions, thinking, and behaviors. It can limit an individual’s personal relationships and their ability to do well at work and in fully enjoying life. Someone with a mental illness requires professional treatment from mental health experts to improve their symptoms.
What Types of Treatment Are Available?
Multiple types of therapy can be used to help treat mental illness. This includes both talk and experiential therapies. For many people, prescription medications also help improve their conditions.
How Do I Know I Need Mental Health Treatment?
The symptoms of poor mental health vary depending on the specific illness. Mental illness will cause a person to experience symptoms that may include depression, anxiety, an inability to control their moods, difficulty concentrating, discord in relationships, and a feeling of being unable to control how they feel and act. An assessment can be done by a physician or therapist to determine if a plan for mental health treatment proves necessary.
Is My Treatment Confidential?
Your treatment is kept confidential, and no one in your circle of family, friends, or co-workers needs to know about your situation.
What Should I Do If I Know Someone That Has Mental Health Symptoms?
Let the person know you are available to talk to about their situation. Speak to them in a non-judgmental tone and let them know millions of people struggle with mental illness and can get help. Ask if you can help them find treatment and provide assistance such as driving them to appointments or enlisting loved ones to help them.
Is Mental Illness Curable?
Some mental illnesses are curable, and we work hard to help each person in this situation overcome them. Other mental illnesses are not curable, but with proper treatment, the symptoms can be minimized and the individual can enjoy greater control over their lives.
How Long Does Mental Health Treatment Last?
It depends on a few factors. How long a person has been ill, the severity of their condition, and how well they respond to treatment come into play. A minimum of 30 days in either residential or outpatient care is recommended. The longer a person stays in treatment, the more progress they make.
What Do I Do If The Mental Health Support Doesn't Help?
If you’ve tried many things to help a mental health disorder, it’s important to be open to a range of approaches and committed to finding the right help. Different things help different people, which is why we offer a range of evidence-based approaches and services proven to help
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Find Treatment in Georgia
Mental health disorders cannot be treated by treating the symptoms alone. We use holistic and evidence-based methods to treat the entire individual.
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Begin Treatment for Mental Illness at North Atlanta Behavioral Health Today
Have you reached the end of your rope and want to find effective treatment that finally addresses your needs for good mental healthcare? North Atlanta Behavioral Health rises above other facilities because we treat each person as an individual and tailor their treatment plan to their needs. We offer multiple types of therapy to help people with a variety of mental health disorders ease their symptoms. We also provide access to FDA-approved medications that help people feel in control again.

Treatment Philosophy
North Atlanta Behavioral Health is dedicated to the health and happiness of our clients. We offer personalized treatment plans that put each individual’s needs first.

Meet Our Team
Our multidisciplinary team wants nothing more than for our clients to achieve a lifetime of recovery and sobriety. Let us help you get the most out of treatment.